Tips On Baking

Want a Thicker, Fuller, Little Zoe's Traditional Crust?
Let it Proof!

Proofing or Proving is a process of fermentation that helps to develop the flavor and thickness of our pizza crust. Our natural yeasts break down the complex carbohydrates in our flour to release the vitamins and to help your body digest the delicous goodness of Little Zoe’s crusts. We have begun the process by slow aging our dough and you finish it with that last proofing that begins when we build your pizza. That’s why every pie is made to order and will never be made before you want it.

Proofing is simple. After purchasing your Little Zoe’s Take and Bake let it sit out at room temperature (70° to 75° F or 20° to 23° C) for up to one hour. This will allow the dough to rise considerably and give the crust a nice full body.

If you don’t have the time to wait, call at least one hour before you plan on baking your pizza and we can do the proofing for you!

Little Zoe's Baking Recommendations

Pre-heat oven to 425° – 475°F
Remove plastic wrapping
Bake at 425° – 475°F

Bake one pizza at a time and do not remove pizza from pan before baking.

Check for doneness after 10 to 12 minutes for cheese or 14 to 16 minutes for combination pizzas.

The pizza is done when the cheese is completely melted and begins to brown and crisp and the crust becomes golden in color. Check the bottom by using a fork to lift the crust from the pan.

Using Your Grill

When using a grill, ensure that your Little Zoe’s pizza pan is protected from direct exposure to flame. The paper is flammable and will burn under direct contact.

When grilling your pizza it’s best to use a Pizza Stone, Aluminum Foil, or Pan to prevent burning and scorching.

When using a stone, allow to preheat for 15-20 minutes prior to baking.


  • For peak freshness, bake immediately or refrigerate within 60 minutes of purchase.
  • Bake Little Zoe’s Pizza within 24 hours.
  • If refrigerated, allow pizza to warm to room temp prior to baking. (40-60 mins)
  • For a crispier cheese and softer crust, set your oven to broil for the last few minutes of baking.
  • When using a Pizza Stone in the oven, preheat stone for 25-45 mins prior to baking.
  • Place pizza onto the pre-heated stone. After dough releases from pan (Appox. 5-10 mins of baking) remove the paperboard pan from the oven by sliding pizza off the pan and directly onto the stone. *CAUTION! PAN AND PIZZA WILL BE VERY HOT* (do not discard pan, use for transporting, cutting and serving.)
  • Little Zoe’s Pizza can be par-baked and refrigerated for next day consumption. Reduce your normal baking time by 35% (3-5 mins) and allow pizza to cool prior to refrigeration. Do not reuse paperboard pan to reheat pizza.
  • To reheat, remove pizza from paper pan and place pizza on a baking sheet, aluminum foil, or on the oven rack and bake at 400°F for 2-7 mins.
  • Pizza can also be re-heated in a skillet over low to medium heat with a little extra virgin olive oil in the pan.

Watch our How-To Video!

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We are Opening For Special Hours

Tuesday 12/24 and Tuesday 12/31.     
1 PM to 5 PM.
Take and Bake pizza only.
Please call for details.